Get Involved2022-05-05T19:25:22+00:00

​The fact that you visited this page means that you have already taken the first step to sponsor a girl’s education, make a difference and ‘Get Involved’.  Donating your hard earned Money or precious Time, means that you will be taking it away from something or someone else and investing it with Sneha Karma Foundation. We take that responsibility very seriously.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I know that my contributions have reached the needy ?2017-12-27T04:00:11+00:00

We take the responsibility of ensuring that our donors contributions reach the needy very seriously.

To ensure total transparency, we publish our annual financial reports on our website.

Our top donors receive personalized report on a quarterly basis to provide insight into how their contributions are making a difference.

All our other donors and patrons receive a quarterly newsletter, which highlights the impact of their contributions.

We also make regular post on our Facebook page to keep our donors, volunteers and patrons informed.

what percentage of my donations will actually be used to help the needy ?2017-12-27T03:49:41+00:00

Unlike a lot of other Non-Profit organizations out there, we ensure that at least 90% (if not more) of your donations reach the needy.

Our Founder Member has pledged to pay for all operational cost of the Non-Profit to ensure that maximum percentage of the donors contributions can reach the needy.

I am in-between jobs, not sure when I will get my next job but I have time now. should i apply to volunteer ?2017-12-24T17:02:25+00:00

Absolutely, Yes. More than 50% of our volunteers join us when they are in this situation but they then stay on as a volunteer even after they get a full-time job. We have all been in such situations and can completely understand that you might need to go back to focus on your new job for a few months before you come back to contribute as a part-time volunteer.

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